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UFPel is invited to Fenadoce Food Festival

Last May 11 UFPel’s president Mauro Del Pino was officially invited by Carlos Umberto Delevati, a representative of Pelotas’ Shopkeepers Chamber and Jussara Dutra, coordinator of Fenadoce Food Festival, to participate of the National Sweet Fair that happens annually in our city.
The idea of the Festival for 2016 is to show the deep connection between food and the local productive sectors, especially those related to ecological family farming. “We want to revive some of the food traditions in the region exploring local products”, explains Jussara.
The event consists of various initiatives such as show classes, dinners with guest chefs in several restaurants in town, craft beer events, family farming fairs, and cooking workshops at local schools. As it was very successful last year, another edition of the Street Food Festival has also been planned.
UFPel is having a large participation in the program of the event, such as film festivals and gastronomical workshops, both held on its facilities.

Publicado em 24/05/2016, na categoria English.