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UFPel Post-doctoral Student’s Paper on the Cover of International Journal

A paper written in the Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology from UFPel (PPGCTA) featured the cover of the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (issue 97, n. 2) of December 2016.

The work, titled “Propriedades morfológicas, mecânicas e de barreira de filmes à base de amido acetilado e celulose de cevada” (Morphological, mechanical and barrier properties of films based on acetylated starch and barley cellulose), has the post-doctoral student Shanise Lisie Mello El Halal as the lead author.

The paper explores the potential of using modified starch and cellulose fiber, obtained from barley (Hodeum vulgare) to make biodegradable packaging (films).

The peeled barley grains were used for the extraction of starch and the husks were used for the isolation of cellulose fiber.

The starch was used to make the films. However, films obtained from natural polymers such as starch generally feature low strength, reason why reinforcing agents such as cellulose fibers can be applied to the films to enhance this property. With the addition of cellulose fibers, the starch films became more resistant, but less stretchable.

In view of this, the use of cellulose fiber in starch films contributes to the development of more resistant materials, which extends its use as packaging. “In addition, these films are made from renewable sources, so they degrade faster, preserving the environment,” explains Shanise.

The image on the cover of the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (issue 97, n. 2) of December 2016 refers to the morphology of the film of starch and cellulose fibers analyzed under a polarized light microscope.

In addition to Shanise, the paper is authored by Rosana Colussi, Barbara Biduski, Jarine Amaral do Evangelho, Graziella Pinheiro Bruni, Mariana Dias Antunes, and is advised by the PPGCTA professors Elessandra da Rosa Zavareze and Alvaro Renato Guerra Dias.

The paper can be read at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jsfa.2017.97.issue-2/issuetoc

For more information, visit the Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology (PPGCTA): http://www.dctaufpel.com.br/ppgcta/site/content/home/


Publicado em 10/02/2017, na categoria English.
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