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Joseph Murray Gives 2016 Commencement Lecture at PPGE

The Graduate Program in Epidemiology from UFPel (PPGE for its spelling in Portuguese) received more than one hundred people (among students and professors) for the 2016 commencement lecture held on Tuesday (March 15), at 2 pm, in the auditorium of the Center for Epidemiologic Research.

Given by Professor Murray, the lecture was titled “Violence Studies: Linking Public Health with Criminology.” In addition to the official opening of the 2016 academic calendar, the talk marks a new stage of collaboration between Professor Murray, who joined the program’s faculty board in November 2015, and PPGE. Since 2011 Mr. Murray had been developing studies in partnership with the institution about the influence of biological, psychological and social factors over behavioral/conduct disorders, violence and antisocial behavior based on data from Pelotas’ birth cohorts.

Holding a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University (England), Professor Joseph Murray earned his master’s and doctorate degrees in criminology at the University of Cambridge (England). He is a professor of the Department of Social Medicine and the Graduate Program in Epidemiology at UFPel and a visiting scholar of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge. He was awarded the prizes Manuel Lopez-Rey in criminology and Nigel Walker from the University of Cambridge; the New Distinguished Scholar Award, the American Society of Criminology (American Society of Criminology); and the Research Career Development Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust Foundation.


Publicado em 22/03/2016, na categoria English.