Técnicas de controle de cirurgias por ultrassom é tema de palestra
Nesta sexta-feira (4), o pesquisador sueco Stefan Bror Albert Jakobsson, do Fraunhofer-Chalmers Research Centre for Industrial Mathematics, palestrará no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Computação sobre técnicas de controle de cirurgias por ultrassom. A palestra ocorre no auditório do 4º andar do Campus Porto, as 13h30min e é aberta à comunidade.
Resumo da Palestra:
Optimal control of focused ultrasound surgery. High intensity focused ultrasound can be generated by phased array transducers containing up to several hundreds of ultrasound element. This can be used to locally heat upcancer tumors and destroy them through ablation. The amount of damage caused is often modeled with “Cumulative Equivalent Minutes” (CEM) also called thermal dose. In focus ultrasound surgery of a tumor, the goal of a treatment is to find a good compromise between achieving a target dose in the tumor and sparing the healthy tissue. To find a time series of parameter values for the transducer, which minimizes a goal function formulating this compromise, is an optimal control problem. Mathematically this means to control the parameters of a heat source in the bio heat equations such that integrated thermal dose approximates the target dose optimally according to the chosen goal function. I will talk about the different challenges in this problem and show numerical examples.