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“NORUS” Addresses the Dynamics of Race Relations

2115596-capadossiêIn its issue n. 5, the e-journal NORUS (New Sociological Directions), published by UFPel, presents the dossier “The dynamics of race relations: data, approaches and intersections” (free translation). The publication is already on-line and can be accessed at https://periodicos.ufpel.edu.br/ojs2/index.php/NORUS/issue/view/545.
In this dossier, UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) and UFPel professors and researchers present a variety of themes throughout articles addressing matters related to the dynamics of race relations in Brazilian society as well as in Argentine cases.
This issue stands out for featuring nine empirical research papers from Brazil and Argentina that focus both on discriminatory practices and the various forms of reproducing racism and racial inequalities in our days.
In addition, there are studies approaching matters related to anti-racism and public policies to combat racism and racial inequalities, as well as the new acting logics of civil society and social movements.
This month’s NORUS issue also features four free articles addressing various topics such as national politics, cinema, New Economic Sociology and Sociology of Science. It also presents a review of a Mexican book that focuses on the theme of Call Centers.
Finally, there are also papers interrelating the discussion on gender and religion to that of racial issues.
The dossier is organized by professor Luciana Garcia Mello, from UFRGS, and professor Marcus Vinicius Spolle, from UFPel’s Graduate Program in Sociology.

Publicado em 25/08/2016, na categoria English.
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