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Student is selected to an Ambassador Program

Vitor Lima dos Santos, an eighth semester undergrad student of the School of Materials Engineering at UFPel, was selected among 370 other university students from all over Brazil to participate in the Choice Ambassadors Program.

The initiative is linked to the non-profit organization Artemisia, which works to spread and promote Business of Social Impact (NIS for its spelling in Portuguese) in Brazil. The program aims to disseminate the concept of Business of Social Impact in various regions of the country through lectures and workshops given by the students of the program to other college students, entrepreneurs, teachers and the community, thus impacting more people and clarifying the concept of NIS.

Victor’s next steps include the encouragement of networks, conversations with professors, academic directories and centers, junior enterprises and any other organization interested in learning more about the program and deepening their knowledge of NIS. To reach such purpose he must propose actions in class, events, week of academic studies and others. “I am available to talk to everyone to clarify their doubts”, says Vitor.

Publicado em 11/04/2016, na categoria English.
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