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Indigenous and Quilombola Students are Welcomed at UFPel

Last March 18 UFPel received indigenous and Quilombola students who entered the University through the second special selection process for these groups. The ten students and the other eight who had joined the university in 2015 were welcomed along with their families and representatives of their people. Kaingang groups living in Pelotas and representatives of Quilombola communities living in Canguçu and Piratini also attended the event.

In the words of the vice-president for student affairs, the university has been working since 2013 in the implementation of this particular selection process: “It is rewarding to see that the university is changing its face, taking a new identity, and this is what we want to UFPel.”

The five Quilombola students entering now will attend Medical, Law, Agronomy, and Pedagogy school, while the five Kaygang academics will take Medicine, Nursing, Law, Anthropology, and Environmental Management.


Publicado em 24/03/2016, na categoria English.
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