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School of Architecture and Urbanism Presents Projects in the Border Brazil-Uruguay

Last March 15, the extension team of the Urbanization Laboratory of the School of Architecture and Urbanism from UFPel presented projects in the cities of Jaguarão and Rio Branco, in an extension activity that integrates Brazil and Uruguay. The mayors and secretaries of the two cities attended the event with their technical teams.

The projects deal with the integrated geographic information system for Brazil-Uruguay border cities and plans for environmental preservation, urban growth, social interest housing programs, urban mobility and land use, with works that blend teaching, research, extension and management.

Students from the Undergraduate Program in Urban Planning showed videos presenting alternatives for the two cities in the next 80 years, stressing urban rights, urban expansion with environmental preservation, valorization of pedestrians, bicycles and new modes of international collective transport, as well as parks and urban agriculture.

In this research, new methods of spatial analysis and interactive mapping are being developed. They allow verifying the influence of one city on the other, which has also been done for Chui-Chuy and Santana do Livramento-Rivera. Undergraduate and graduate departments in Architecture and Urbanism have joined efforts and have been working together in this project.

These activities are included in three extension projects carried out at the School of Architecture and Urbanism: Urban Planning in Jaguarão, Urban Planning in the border cities Brazil-Uruguay and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Built in the border Brazil-Uruguay.

According to the Dean of the School of Architecture and Urbanism, Professor Maurício Polidori, these activities that combine teaching, research and extension in the border Brazil-Uruguay strengthen both the region and UFPel, bringing the University closer to its responsibilities towards nature and society. Further work will be carried out all through this year, with other meetings and international workshops.

Publicado em 30/03/2017, na categoria English.
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