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Work on Costing Method developed by UFPel’s Teaching Hospital/Ebserh is Awarded in International Congress

The work “The use of the Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing Costing (TDABC)”, a new proposition for the Activity-Based Costing method (ABC) as a cost information tool at UFPel’s Teaching Hospital, managed by the Brazilian Company for Hospital Services (Ebserh), was awarded with the first place in the category Experimental Reports category in the 6th Chico Ribeiro Award – Accounting, Cost Information and Quality of Public Expenditure/2016.

The award ceremony was held in Natal (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) last December 21 during the 6th International Congress on Accounting, Costs and Quality of Public Expenditure 2016. Bruno Peserico Martini, Head of the Accounting Department at UFPel’s Teaching Hospital, received the prize from the former Minister of Planning, Budget and Management and Social Security, Nelson Machado, and former Minister of Education, José Henrique Paim. Ebserh chairman Kleber Morais, also attended the ceremony.

Also on the occasion of the event, the work was presented by Martini in the panel “Quality of Applied Expenditure to the Final Sectors: Health, Education and Security” upon the invitation of the Ebserh president, who was also a panelist with Wagner Vilas Boas (former executive secretary at the Ministry of Education) and Gil Pinto Loja Neto (auditor general at Ebserh). The panel was coordinated by José Henrique Paim.

In addition to the honor of the first place award, the work received a cash prize of R$ 1.5 thousand, which will be donated to the cause 0f Home Care and Palliative Care of UFPel’s Teaching Hospital by decision of the authors.

The Congress is organized by important representatives of the Brazilian and International Public Sector, such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the French Embassy in Brazil, the Spanish Embassy in Brazil, the School of Financial Administration (ESAF), the International Monetary Fund and members of the Quality of Public Expenditure and Cost Information Network (CQ Network), such as the Federal Audit Office (TCU), the Federal Comptroller’s Office (CGU), the National Treasury, the Federal Revenue Service and the Ministry of Finance.

For more information on the awarding visit http://www.socialiris.org/premiochicoribeiro/6edicao.php.

Publicado em 17/01/2017, na categoria English.
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