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A Busy Semester Starts

Cantoamerica_2Until the end of the year, UFPel academic community will experience a busy semester, rich in scientific, artistic and cultural activities on everything that is done in terms of teaching, research and extension at the University. More than 20,000 students, 2,600 technical and administrative staff and faculties of the institution have started another school year last August 8, when the University celebrated its 47 anniversary. Among our students, about a thousand has been admitted to a higher education school for the first time: they are our freshmen.

CORREDORES 001The highlight of the semester will be UFPel’s 2nd Integrated Week of Teaching, Research and Extension (Siepe), to be held from 26-30 September. This event is hosting the 25th Congress of Undergraduate Scientific Research (CIC), the 18th Meeting of Graduate Programs (ENPOS), the 3rd Congress of Extension and Culture (CEC) and the 2nd Congress on Undergraduate Education (CEG). This year’s theme is “Knowledge, Society and Diversity”. The Week seeks to bring together the university’s working areas, strengthening the inseparability between them. Learn more at http://www.ufpel.edu.br/siepe/.

CCS-UFPEL-IMGSEMANA-2013-12-30-FULL-903x600Specifically for freshmen, the Upper Administration is preparing a Calourada (a kind of welcoming party to freshmen students) for the second semester. The reception will follow a special programming to be released soon. The University encourages a supporting and positive hazing instead of the violent ones, which hurt the dignity of new students.
“We hope the university can be the gateway to a world full of new academic and personal experiences. We are a university that is primarily focused on people. We want new students to feel welcome and their dreams to thrive at UFPel,” says the president Mauro Del Pino.

A topic concerning everyone not only in the university but also in the external community is the Institutional Project, to be continued in the preparation of its related documents such as the Statute, the Internal Regulations and the Institutional Pedagogical Project. Learn more about this subject at http://wp.ufpel.edu.br/constituinte/.

Following an initiative of the upper administration, UFPel keeps an intense artistic and cultural programming in its several academic departments. Film series for all tastes, theater and dance exhibitions, recitals, concerts, art exhibitions, among others, are some of the events that the university always tries to connect with what is being done in the community, often giving priority to these extramural productions. It is in such a spirit that UFPel intends to repeat the Porto das Artes, a cultural festival that will find its most original manifestations in society itself.
Seeking to increasingly respond to the community’s demands, this year UFPel should also institutionalize its own Social Forum, a space of representation for the various segments of society that will welcome the needs of groups and lead them to the institution so they can be changed into policies and eventually met.
Still regarding the wish of building a stronger link with the community, this semester the curricularisation of extension activities is to be strengthened at UFPel. Several academic programs already have a minimum of 10% of their total class hours dedicated to extension activities.

The last school day will be on December 10, with exams happening until December 17. Check all the information concerning the academic calendar at https://ccs2.ufpel.edu.br/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Calendario-Academico-2016_v05-3-18JUL2016.pdf.

Publicado em 31/08/2016, na categoria English.
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