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UFPel Professor is Published in “The Lancet” Journal for Study About Physical Activity

A study covering more than one million people reveals that doing at least one hour of physical activity a day, such as walking at a fast pace or cycling, can eliminate the increased risk of death associated with eight hours a day spending sitting. The data come from a new series of four articles published on July 28 in the journal The Lancet, under the leadership of UFPel’s graduate program researcher in Epidemiology Pedro Curi Hallal. The authors call attention to the very low forward progress in face of the global pandemic of physical inactivity: one quarter of adults throughout the world does not follow the current recommendation for physical activity. Physical inactivity increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and some types of cancer and is associated with more than five million deaths a year. According to the first comprehensive analysis done from the economic point of view, physical inactivity costs more than 67.5 billion dollars in productivity losses and health care expenditures worldwide.

Publicado em 25/08/2016, na categoria English.
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