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UFPel in the Gramado Film Festival

sesmariaThe fiction film Sesmaria, directed by Gabriela Lamas from the undergraduate program in Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (UFPel), was selected for the national short film category of the 44th Gramado Film Festival.

It is the first time that a film from our institutional program is chosen for a national exhibition, competing for the long-sought Kikito prize in one of the most important film festivals in Brazil. 574 projects were submitted and only 14 were selected among competitors from all over the country.

The film is a result of Lamas’ undergraduate final project, concluded in 2015 and shot in the Pomeranian colony Sesmaria, in the city of São Lourenço do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

The Gramado Film Festival is taking place from August 26 to September 3.

Publicado em 14/07/2016, na categoria English.
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