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Paper Published by UFPel PhD Student Gets International Recognition

The paper entitled Maternal consumption of organic trace minerals alters calf systemic and neutrophil mRNA and microRNA indicators of inflammation and oxidative stress, part of Carolina Bespalhok Jacometo’s doctoral thesis, was chosen the best doctoral work published in the Journal of Dairy Science in 2015.

Carolina was advised by professor Marcio Nunes Correa, from the Graduate Program in Biotechnology (UFPel), and co-advised by Professor Juan Loor, from the University of Illinois. This partnership between the American university and NUPEEC (Center for Research Education and Extension in Livestock), a research group coordinated by Professor Corrêa, has contributed to the strengthening of the research line in NutriPhysioGenomics.

The award ceremony will be held during the “Joint Annual Meeting – Animal Science and Dairy Science”, the largest and most important congress in livestock production in the United States, in the city of Salt Lake City, between 19 and 23 July 2016.

Publicado em 03/06/2016, na categoria English.
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