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Argentine Academic Student Participates in a Mission at UFPel

7313101-leoshulerGeography student Leonardo Schuler, from the National University of Patagonia, San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB), Argentina, came to UFPel last May 2016 for a mission in the Urban Planning Laboratory (LabUrb) at our School of Architecture and Urbanism (FAUrb). This mission was part of an international project carried out by both universities to continue the joint development of the application “APP+Saúde”, financed by CNPQ and the Argentine government.
The “APP+Saúde: Sistema georreferenciado e comunitário para a gestão, mobilidade e acessibilidade a saúde” seeks to create a system to record characteristics of the population’s access to the public health system both in urban and rural areas of the southern region (Pelotas, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul) and Comodoro Rivadavia (District of Chubut, Argentina). It is a georeferenced and comprehensive monitoring system that makes the management of public health care easier, taking into account users’ accessibility and mobility around public spaces.
At the moment, the application is being tested and calibrated while family health workers are being trained in Argentina. The application is available for Android-supported devices at http://appsaude.wix.com/argbr#!app—saude/c7hs.

Publicado em 03/06/2016, na categoria English.
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