Nursing School Starts the Celebrations for its 40th Anniversary
The Nursing School of UFPel is completing, next August, 40 years of activities dedicated to educate health care professionals. This notable date began to be celebrated last May 11, when the academic community met for the “Nursing Week”. The meeting discussed the theme “Nursing in Different Scenes and Scenarios: 40 years of teaching and care at UFPel’s Nursing School.”
Proposing to reflect over the role of the Nursing School and the performance of the professionals trained at UFPel, the event invited nursing alumni working in academic management, municipal and state health departments, primary health care, psychosocial heath care centers, inpatient units, coordination of hospital nursing services, management of home care services, and others to contribute with their experience.
In the opening of the event, UFPel’s president Mauro Del Pino highlighted the extreme dedication and qualified educational background of those professionals, which results in high levels of satisfaction among those who are assisted by them. “The service provided by these nursing professionals allows us to celebrate a successful academic project, which is also a result of the successful history of the Nursing School”.