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Museum of the Trivial Things hosts the exhibition “Everyone Can Be Frida”

fridaIn the 14th Week of Museums, which will be held on May 16-21, the Museu das Coisas Banais (or Museum of Trivial Things) from UFPel will be presenting the exhibition “Everyone can be Frida”, in partnership with the Museum of Sexual Diversity (MDS), from São Paulo.

Conceived by photographer Camila Fontenele Miranda, “Everyone can be Frida” is a project in which the life of the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo is told in five photographic fragments: love, pain, wholeness, colors, and abortion.

Based on the inversion of gender, these photo shoots use male models for female roles to show that the image of the artist and her bisexuality are present in the various nuances of human beings. The photographs about Frida’s life are supposed to foster a discussion emphasizing the possible connections between art, gender identity and social behavior.

As a rereading of Camila’s proposal, during the exhibition season there will also be photographic interventions allowing visitors and internet users to become Frida Kahlo. These pictures will later be displayed as a virtual exhibition.

“Everyone can be Frida” was on show at the Musem of Sexual Diversity from November 2014 to March 2015, received 35,238 visitors and was also displayed at the Museum of Immigration, in São Paulo.

In Pelotas it will be on show at UFPel’s Library (Rua Benjamin Constant, 1071) and at the Office for Municipal Culture (Secult).

To visit the exhibition website access museudascoisasbanais.com.br/expo-frida.

Publicado em 11/05/2016, na categoria English.
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