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Graduate student from the Ph.D. Program in Dentistry is awarded in the USA

premio Marina NYLast April 20-22, the Dentistry School of New York University (NYUCD) held the Research Scholarship Expo, an event that brings together scientific work carried out by students and scientists under the tutelage of the NYUCD Research Office and also work done by professors under the tutelage of NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators.

Marina Kaizer, a graduate student from the PhD Program in Dentistry of UFPel, presented the work “Recobrimento de sílica em partículas cristalinas que não contém silício para o melhoramento de biomateriais híbridos” (Silica coated crystalline, non-silicate nanoparticles for improved hybrid biomaterials) and was awarded a prize in the category Post-doctoral Associate.

Marina is presently taking her post-doctoral internship in the Graduate Program in Material Science and Engineering at UFPel and also in the Biomaterials Department at New York University.

The work presented by Marina was part of her doctoral dissertation, defended in February 2015 under the supervision of Professor Rafael Moraes and co-supervision of Professor Sergio Cava.

Publicado em 11/05/2016, na categoria English.
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