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Capes Approves Ph.D. Program in Water Resources

Last April 25th Capes approved the Ph.D. Program in Water Resources of UFPel with an initial accreditation grade 4. There will be an annual selection for six students, but the date for the first admission process hasn’t been defined yet. The program has an academic master’s degree operating since 2013 with area of concentration in Water Systems.

The lines of research are:

  • Soil water dynamics in watersheds
  • Irrigation engineering
  • Irrigation management
  • Pumping stations
  • Hydraulic structures
  • Watershed hydrology
  • Impacts and remediation of water resources
  • Hydro-sedimentology
  • Watershed hydrometry
  • Water quality in watersheds
  • Hydrologic modeling

The teaching staff for both the Master’s and PhD programs is formed by professors from different UFPel academic units, such as the Center for Technological Development, Agronomy School, Meteorology School and includes collaborators from Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) and Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (FURG).

For more information visit  http://ppgrechid.ufpel.edu.br/ .

Publicado em 11/05/2016, na categoria English.
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