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UFPel Hosts International Congress on Punishment and Social Control

The Law School of UFPel will host, from June 1 to 3, the International Congress on Punishment and Social Control.

Running in parallel with this event the 2nd International Seminar on Penal Execution will be also held. The themes are Punishment and Social Control: criminal law, procedural criminal law, criminal enforcement and criminal policy; Social Control: institutions, practices, actors, trends and persistences; Crime, Punishment and Social Control: historical approaches; The Prison Matter: institutions, practices, policies and jailed groups.

Álvaro Filipe Oxley da Rocha (PUCRS); Iñaki Rivera Beiras (University of Barcelona, Spain), Marcos Luis Bretas da Fonseca (UFRJ) and Rodrigo Ghiringhelli de Azevedo (PUCRS) are among the main speakers.

The event will also have a special session of book releases and reviews, which is intended to enable readers, book authors, collection and dossier  organizers to meet informally and talk, thus contributing to strengthen the quality of knowledge exchange and diffusion. This special session will be open to the public and will take place on June 2, at 6:50pm, in the Lecture Hall of UFPel Law School.

The organization of the event is in charge of LIBERTAS (a program on how to cope with vulnerability in prison environments), GEPUCS (the Group of Studies and Research on Punishment and Social Control), both from UFPel, GITEP (Interdisciplinary Working Group and Criminal-Prison Studies), from UCPel, and the GPESC (Research Group on Security and Public Policies and Administration of Criminal Justice), from PUCRS.


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Listening participants:  R$ 20,00

Participants presenting papers: R$ 50,00

The deadline for submission of papers (abstracts) is May 2. Instructions are available at the same website of the registration.

For general information about the event: punicaoecontrolesocial@gmail.com

Publicado em 12/04/2016, na categoria English.
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