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Teaching hospital inaugurates new multiprofessional academic facilities

DSC05161UFPel’s teaching hospital (HE) took a further step in its institutional qualification process. The new multidisciplinary academic facilities of the hospital were inaugurated last March 28th to benefit Nutrition, Physical Education, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, and Psychology students.

Four fully equipped new rooms will be used by about 50 undergraduate, graduate and resident students, consolidating the integration between areas, strengthening multiprofessional and interdisciplinary work and providing more welfare to students. The new facilities can be found next to the space already designed to medical students and residents.

For President Mauro Del Pino, the action is part of a long process started in 2013 aiming to qualify the hospital. In his speech, he compared the situation of the teaching hospital three years ago to the present moment. “Today UFPel is making an old dream true. We are beginning to build the new Teaching Hospital from the Oncology unit”, he said. Del Pino stressed that there will be 350 beds altogether in the new hospital.

Publicado em 11/04/2016, na categoria English.
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