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Software application developed by UFPel is presented in Argentina

9877708-12593855_10208908806337050_174077878185988566_oUndergrad students from the School of Computer Science Glauco Roberto Munsberg and Jessica Helena Castro, from the School of Architecture and Urbanism, were in Argentina last March 30 to give a partial demonstration of a software application jointly developed by the Urbanism Laboratory of the School of Architecture and Urbanism from UFPel and the research group Geografía, Acción y Territorio, from Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco.

At UFPel the project is coordinated by Professor Eduardo Rocha and at Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco by Professor Juan Manuel Diez TETAMANTI. This mobile phone or tablet application can, for example, map hypertensive patients not socially covered in the remote regions of Patagonia. The app is called “APP + Health” and is already available for download on Google Play.

The system is organized into three components: the first, a georeferenced monitoring system that organizes local health data, makes not only medical appointments easier, but also the prevention and prognosis of health events; the second, a smarthphone health-worker restricted software and another open to the community, can improve the spatial data for monitoring; and finally there is a methodological device to transfer social mapping information,  incorporating social, cultural, time and overall characteristics.

Publicado em 11/04/2016, na categoria English.
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