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Professor from UFPel chairs Education Committee of the Brazilian Federal Pharmacy Council

william_peresWilliam Peres, professor from the Center for Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences at UFPel, was elected chairman to the Education Committee of the Brazilian Federal Pharmaceutical Council (COMENSINO/CFF).

Peres will lead a group of eight professors from the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, and Ceará in 2016.

The CFF advising committees are permanent discussion forums on various aspects of Pharmacy. They are intended to develop projects and propose actions to the professional segment of the Committee’s study area and advise the CFF Board in matters requiring specific technical knowledge through debates and technical opinions.

The Education Committee is responsible for supporting both the CFF and regional councils on matters related to pharmaceutical education. It also aims to analyze the current educational legislation, provide opinions regarding pharmaceutical education and prepare proposals for resolutions aimed at improving the pharmaceutical education in the country. Additionally, it organizes national events to discuss pharmaceutical education and publicizes actions.

More than 180,000 pharmacists are registered in the Regional Pharmacy Councils in 26 states and in the Federal District. There are over 12,000 professionals in Rio Grande do Sul and approximately 97,000 pharmacies and drugstores in Brazil. There are 492 pharmacy schools in Brazil, among which 25 in Rio Grande do Sul. UFPel Pharmacy School was created in October 2010 and recognized in December 2013.

Publicado em 11/04/2016, na categoria English.
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