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UFPel Promoted the 1st Brain Week (Semana do Cérebro)

Several academic department-related groups from UFPel promoted the 1st Brain Week in Pelotas. The event was aimed at students and professors and featured activities exploring the discussion and understanding on the working of this organ of key importance to life.

The idea for the event came from the National Brain Week, an activity promoted in Brazil by the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC), and the Brain Awareness Week – BAW 2016). This was a global campaign to raise public awareness about the importance of research and information in neurosciences.

At UFPel, the Brain Week was organized by the Neuropsychopharmacology Institute from the Biology Laboratory, by the Research Group in Neurochemistry, Inflammation and Cancer from the Center for Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Food Science and by the Center for Studies and Research in Cognition and Learning.

Publicado em 22/03/2016, na categoria English.