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Research Group Brazil/Uruguay Frontier Presents a New Website and Goes on a Study Trip

The research and extension group “Para-formal na Fronteira Brasil-Uruguay” from UFPel is promoting its new website. The content can be accessed at address.

Between March 14 and 19, the group went on a study trip throughout several cities of the frontier Brazil/Uruguay (Santana do Livramento – Rivera, Quaraí – Artigas, Jaguarão – Rio Branco, Barra do Quaraí – Bella Unión, Chuí – Chuy e Aceguá – Aceguá).

The trip was coordinated by UFPel professors Eduardo Rocha (School of Architecture and Urbanism/UFPel) and Claudia Brandão (Center for Arts/UFPel) and was funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the 2014 Universal Edital. It also had the support of the Laboratory in Urbanism/UFPel, the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism/UFPel and the PhotoGraphein Research Center/ UFPel.

Publicado em 22/03/2016, na categoria English.