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UFPel Conducts Activities in Educational Event in South Africa

Last March 18-21, UFPel participated in the event Creative Careers, in South Africa. Professors Rosaria Sperotto, coordinator of Teduca (Digital Educational Technologies: Transnational and Interinstitutional Cooperation in the Production of Knowledge in Education and Training of Teachers),  Denise Bussoletti, Laís Volpe, Bruna Sardil and professor Cléber da Costa developed activities in the areas of Reading, Visual Arts, Cinema and Theater. UFPel also participated in the opening of the event, whose theme was Childhood, Education and Human Rights.

Before that, the group of professors attended a number of appointments at Faced (Eduardo Mondlane University), in Mozambique, on account of the international pro-mobility program CAPES/Aulp – School of Education/UFPel.

“These activities are of fundamental importance to discuss teacher training in Africa, strengthening the agreement signed between the institutions represented in the event in South Africa and also with the Mozambican university,” analyzed the coordinator of Teduca.

Publicado em 30/03/2017, na categoria English.
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